Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Leadership and Self Doubt free essay sample

The leadership dimension I’ve identified as a weakness and area I’d like to improve upon is â€Å"Self-Knowledge and Openness to Learning†. When it comes to understanding what my limits are based on my own strengths and weaknesses, I fall short. I sometimes overestimate my own ability to perform and overextend myself, which can lead to me not meeting commitments. I have chosen to work on my knowledge of self because it ties in to so many of the other defined leadership dimensions. Understanding who you are as a person is the foundation for any leadership action that is taken. In my post graduate career, I would like to become a serial entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs understand what their competencies are and find people that strengthen their weaknesses. A lack of understanding of my strengths and weaknesses may inhibit my success because I won’t understand the composition of competencies needed on my management team to get the job done. We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership and Self Doubt or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I found two articles that offer me insight in what may be affecting my misperception. In my mind I am an â€Å"impostor† who finds himself. I feel like those individuals are making an upward comparison to me, which makes me feel anxiety. The external perception that I am capable and an achiever comes into direct conflict with my own perception of me being less than capable and â€Å"just making it. † This leads me to try to take on more than I can handle; I feel that completing everything I’ve committed to in the unrealistic timelines I allow myself will make an achiever, thereby resolving the conflict I have between the internal and external perceptions mentioned before. When I fall short, it validates my own feeling that I’m not capable, until someone again mentions that I am capable and the cycle begins again. In order to deal with the feelings of being an â€Å"impostor,† I need to seek 360-Feedback and find people whom I can trust to be candid with their evaluations of my ability. The feedback exercises with my learning team planned for the year and frequent conversations with my mentors will help address this need. My â€Å"STUCC† feeling stems in part from my concern for relationships with others and my perception that they may feel alienated by my continued achievement. By receiving feedback that helps me to understand my competencies, I will become more comfortable with my accomplishments and understanding what my strengths, weaknesses and limitations are. This should minimize the anxiety I feel with success by enabling me to accept that I’ve earned it, which will allow me to better handle situations of feeling â€Å"STUCC;† the humorous self-deprecation will lighten the mood of the interaction for me, not cause me to overextend myself as it had before, thus breaking the cycle. There are no real numeric measures of my own self-knowledge. Evidence of improvement will be seen in how I interact with my team, set goals and accomplish them, and the feeling I get in interactions with others who may offer compliments because of my success. The biggest indicator will be how I feel- if I can become less anxious and comfortable with myself, I’ll know it inside, which is where most of this cycle takes place. Accomplishing this is the cornerstone of my future success as a business leader.

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